
Day 1 Of My Mental Break

Day 1 of my mental health break from social network.


Yesterday, I made a post announcing my indefinite break from social networks, namely the Fediverse. Today, I write to share how it's going. I have checked my notifications, but not responded or interacted at all. (Thanks Hellthreadia for all the fucking notifications by the way!) Things have been great, my brain is feeling much better and I'm feeling a lot less frazzled. I feel relaxed and much more chill.

My plan is to continue, maybe in a week or so I'll come back to the Fediverse and every now and then take a day off to regain my head. In the meantime, if you want to get in touch, email will be the best way to do this (orbitalmartian@proton.me), or message me on Matrix (@orbitalmartian:envs.net).

Being off the Fediverse, I got off my phone earlier last night and read a few pages before sleep. This was an amazing feeling.

This post has a lot of the word "feel" and "feeling", I appologise.

Have a good rest of your timezone folks.

This is post 63/100 for #100DaysToOffload.

Email Me Your Thoughts!