Orbital Station

New Me?

2 minutes read

Hello World! I am CJ, as you know already I was previously known online as LinuxGamer, after a long think, I decided that it was time for a rebrand and I have done it, I am now introducing myself again and explaining a couple of things.

About Me

I’m CJ, a dyslexic artist, gamer, writer, programmer and content creator. I love aviation, space, and technology. I create digital paintings, illustrations and pixel art, I make games in both 2D and 3D (mostly using the Godot Engine). I use primarily open source software and advocate for this. I write novels and blog posts/articles about technology news/reviews, art, companion articles to any videos I produce, and anything else I want to put on here.

[New Avatar (Alien creature)]

Important Information

Now that I’ve introduced myself, I have a couple of things to say/update you all on.

Content Schedule

Firstly, my content schedule, I always make a new schedule and then never stick to it, so here I am making another…

I plan to release one video either every month or every other month.

If I miss a video, don’t worry, I’ll release more, so make sure to subscribe to my YouTube and Peertube channels to kepp up-to-date on those uploads.


So now a couple of things about Discord, I have my server on Discord, but I also have a Matrix space, which is a FOSS alternative, and though I could bridge them (link the posts between the two), I have decided not to.

Secondly, I have an art community server on Discord too, called Canvas Companions, if you’re an artist, it may be an interest to you to join, so far 3 members including myself. Feel free to pop in if you wish to.


That’s it from me today, make sure to follow all my accounts on platforms, and enjoy the content that I have already published and wait excitedly for new content to come along. BYE!