Debian Experience So Far
2 minutes read •
Since my last blost on my Debian experience[1], I have switched my DE/WM thrice :D. I first switched to KDE from BSPWM, after some issues with screen flickering. After a few slow days with KDE, I switched to i3 (the first tiling WM that I ever used). I had fun playing around with a TWM again, and today after trying to customise i3 and finding the features I wanted weren’t available on i3, I switched to the first Wayland WM on my Debian install; Sway.
Sway is essentially i3 on Wayland with loads more features and a lot more customisable/eye-candy, which developers of i3 say i3 isn’t. Since installing Debian, I have experienced a much quicker system, compared with my previous installs of distros like Fedora.
In the middle of writing this blost, I somehow broke Debian, some sort of GRUB issue. I lost a large amount of work on this blost and all my custom configs. I am very sad, but I am now happily settling into my new Arch system, I’m going to be backing things up a lot more now.
Hence this blost is now being published without finishing. I will write a blost summing up what has happened soon.
This is blost 78/100 for #100DaysToOffload