I Made A New Hugo Site

2 minutes read

This blost is from my Gitlab site where I was moving, I am in fact NOT moving anymore, see this blost.

Hello world! As you can see, this is a new site. I have loved using Codeberg and Codeberg Pages with Codeberg’s Woodpecker CI instance, but I feel guilty of using a lot of their system resources as I like to push tests to production. I feel that if I use Gitlab (who are significantly bigger), I won’t have this and also with the less able features, I will be forced to locally test changes and push working commits. This will help the overall production workflow for my website.

I have also taken a change in SSG (Static Site Generator) as I have got a knowledge of setting up Hugo on Gitlab with Pages, whereas 11ty and Zola, I do not. This change means that I have got to port all my blosts over, changing the front matter (not too much). This also kills one blost idea that I have on my todo list.

Here’s a couple of screenshots of my new site.

Dark Mode Screenshot for my website

Light Mode Screenshot for my website

Sorry for that flashbang, at present, my Hugo site is using the Archie theme, I may use another theme along the way, but with Hugo you can change theme with very little edits required which is a lot easier than 11ty and Zola. Also at the minute, I have got the light/dark switcher as toggle, so it is for users to decide, but I am thinking I will change this to automatic, which will follow a users’ system setting. With these changes, I feel that my site could potentially grow, I just need to iron out a few issues and will keep working on these.

This blog post is just a brief overview of what my reasoning behind my move (again) are and explain what the current state of my site are. I want to write more and to do that, I need to find a system that works for me, and I’m hoping that this is the way. By using Gitlab Pages, I am in no way leaving Codeberg, I still plan to use Codeberg to host all my projects, just not my website, that way I reduce my usage of their CI. With the limited functionality of the Gitlab CI, I am already feeling more inclined to use neovim and testing my changes locally on my laptop. I may host a static site (hand coded) over on my Codeberg pages but just as a way to play with HTML and share useful information.

I hope this blost has been useful or at least enlightened you to my thoughts, hopefully it won’t be too long before I can fully publish the site, but for now that’s it and I’ll catch you in the next one. Bye!

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